#AgileSoftwareDevelopmentGlossary — Impressive vocabularies today — EP.1

2 min readDec 19, 2022


Good afternoon sunshine! It’s been almost 10 days observing agile software development process from a great agile coach. I found there are tremendous new things, procedures, ceremonies, etc. that all make me surprised everyday about what I did or tried to implement in the past.

One of them is Agile Glossary, typically, I’ve ever used some of agile related vocabularies during planning, implementing and delivering software products. However, I just realized that I known only those words, but I didn’t really understand on what the actual meaning and how to use or apply them all in real life. Thus I think many of you also feel like me, once you think of many simple words below.

Disclaimer: For the very first episode of Agile Glossary, it’s mainly referring to the https://less.works/ website, and most of the meaning are from what I learned and saw from learned, observed, watched, read and/or used to imply and apply those in my works.

Responsibilities for self-managing team; source: https://less.works/less/management/role-of-manager
  1. Self-Managing Team or Self-Organizing Team: a team is is able to implement the tasks, keep monitoring and improving working process. Additionally, an essential part of a self-managing team is “transparency”, since every single team member sees the same goals then they can drive themself to the same destination.
  2. Role of Manager: Transforming to self-managing team, role and responsibility of management are also changed from tracking, making decisions or tell the team what to do, it becomes to coach, improve team capabilities to let them learn more, explore more, know more. Hence, the team can drive the project progress forward and overcome through risks and/or other challenges.
  3. Go See: This word is very new for me, it was found and defined the practice by Toyota internally. When it comes to definition, Go See might imply from “Go to the source to understand what are actually happening”. While observing the real tasks are processing, management should see what are the actual values served to the customers. Capturing and identifying gap(s) or opportunities that the team need to improve or implement to deliver outstanding customers’ values.
  4. Impediment: In term of software development, the definition of impediments is “things that make the team slow down or hold the team in a rut”. Managements or scrum master or agile coach will help the team to eliminate/ reduce the impediments. As a result, the self-management team can implement tasks and deliver outcome along with supporting from managements/ scrum master as expected.

